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Procurement Management System

As a leading Procurement Management System providing agency, we’re the trusted choice for delivering high-performance, scalable solutions.

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Procurement Management - Tomsher

Tender Management

The Procurement Management System is for companies that give tenders and receive quotations for these tenders. The tenders are given by the manager to the various companies under the suitable category. The companies that received the tender

provide a quotation for these within the end date. The most suited quotation will be suggested by the manager and submitted to the General Manager to be verifies and approved the quotation. Emails were sent to both approved and rejected companies.


  • + Client Categorization
  • + Tender for selected clients

  • + Email to approved and rejected clients
  • + Quotion recommend option for manager

Why choose us ?

inhouse it company customer support professionl skill timely delivery

In-House Team

Our well established creative team are experts and experienced in their own field, be that web design & development, graphic design, mobile apps and digital marketing.


Customer Support

When you need help, our full-time staff is available to you by phone, by email, or in person at any time. We are always there to answer your queries and address issues as they arise.


Professional Skills

Highly Professional team expericenced in different areas such as Design, Development, Search Engine Optimization, e-commerce solutions, Mobile App Development etc.


Timely Delivery

As one of the leading providers of website design services in UAE,our rich experience, unwavering commitment to timely delivery, better quality control and responsiveness of the team makes us unique among others