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Web Development 04-01-2016

Responsive Web Design in the UAE

Given the plethora of devices apart from desktops, the changes in the way internet would be accessed was everybody’s guess. Recently confirmed by comScore’s report, as of Jan 2015, mobile internet access has officially surpassed desktop internet access.

Consider this – Mobile phone penetration in the UAE (as of 2014 end) is at 200%, next only to Hong Kong across the globe; while smartphone penetration alone is at 73.8%, making UAE top of the list in this category. The way internet is being accessed in the UAE going further – everybody’s guess again – is way more through mobile devices than through desktops: Google’s Mobile Planet research pegs smartphone based internet access at 95% in the UAE (as of 2014) compared to the global average of 74% in the same year! On the other hand, a basic search on a smartphone shows that a vast majority of the websites around aren’t mobile-friendly yet.

Add to this, Google’s recent algorithm change to include ‘the mobile-friendly update’: though it has no direct effect on searches from tablets or desktops, it affects searches from mobile devices across all languages and locations – at a page-level. In other words, ‘mobile-friendly’ websites/pages quickly crawl up the search rankings, due to the increased smartphone channelled internet traffic (even affecting SEO). According to a recent Google survey, 79% of visitors will go back to another generic search, if they encounter a site that’s not mobile friendly on their devices.

Responsive web designing – a one-design-fits-all solution – adapts to all sizes of your end-user device accessing your website/page, making it mobile-friendly as well. Consider the faster, smoother user experience on one end; the cost effective approach in designing on the other end; and advantages of managing a single SEO to combined site analytics in between – responsive web designing is more of a necessity today to increase your brand’s online presence and digital value.

To stay ahead of the game, let us know how we could help you with quick and easy responsive web designing.

(Sources: comScore, Google Mobile Planet)